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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....
Posted on 3:08 PM

21st Century Learning

Filed Under () By scrapbooker210 at 3:08 PM

My first post on my school blog will be for graduate school purposes on the importance of technology within the classroom. is a website that helps teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators gain access to new materials and documents that are helpful in understanding how technology fits into the classrooms of today as well as the importance of the inclusion of technology for our digital native students within the classroom. Resources are available such as ebooks, podcast, publications, and events. Within these resources each one help those involved in student's lives in connecting in the digital world in scopes of areas that I never would have dreamed. It is information rich with many of the newest concepts popping up everywhere. Anything that a teacher or administrator who wants to integrate technology into their school classroom could be found within this website. However, when looking at this site the advertisements somewhat take away from the ability to truly work through the site without accidentally popping up another advertisement screen. Also, for educators I found that it was difficult to find curriculum matters, which I know that I am longing for connections to any and every possible way to connect it to my student's learning within the classroom. Even though this site doesn't give much curriculum integration leads, every educator should take a look at this website. It is rich in ideas of how to use technology within the classroom and to help our 21st Century technology-savvy learners truly be knowledgeable about the aspects of their world that they will need to be successful in their future, not ours. Our students are continually changing and spending plenty of time in front of a computer. We need to meet their needs and this website will help teachers gain knowledge of how to do that.